Posts tagged Social distancing but not socially isolated
Pilates in the time of Covid 19

There ought to be a Nobel for Pilates. If there were Leslie and her, brilliant band of mindful movement mavens (MMMs) would be short-listed immediately.  Suffice it to say that the exalted Joseph Pilates himself would be proud of you all.

 Here’s how the MMC classes have changed my COVID-constrained life:  The daily recounts of TP rolls remaining in the hall closet have ceased.  With the dedicated and accomplished organization skills I have developed in these tedious times (my drawers and closets are such a high level I feel I could plan another invasion of Normandy … take THAT Marie Condo.)  I’ve made far too many visits to Netflix … nothing left to watch.  And how many hours can one spend reading?  I’ve briefly considered writing my memoirs but not even my late mother would be interested in reading those.  (She knew all my secrets anyway.)

And yes, fellow MMC-ites, I have so far neglected to mention the most important thing.  We are all in good shape -- stretched, strengthened and lengthened – thanks to the daily classes.  And thanks to modern technology we can see each other giving us a much-needed, deeply welcomed sense of connection and community.  

Dark  as it may feel now, MMC has given us a little light at the end of  this perilous tunnel.  And when this is all over – and it will end – the MMMs, their spirit, supportive attitude and their excellent classes, will always be cherished memory.